Just had an obvious realization relating to my last post about articulating your view of the world (aka worldview) by highlighting the distinction between an old belief and a new one that embodies a newer value.
In terms of sharing my worldview, as well as vertical development, here’s an obvious myth that jumped out at me that most people still believe today.
Myth: You don’t grow or evolve after reaching adulthood.
So there’s this assumption and belief that when you become an “adult,” you basically know everything that there is to know about living your life now.
This is complete utter bullshit.
Becoming an adult is just a starting point, a transition, to a larger world of understanding of what it means to be a human being.
It’s like levelling up and looking back to realize “you’ve made it.” But then, turning back around and looking forward, you realize you’ve only “made it” to a whole new game. One you have to figure out all over again.
That’s the eternal cycle of life. Levelling up and thinking you’ve made it but only to realize that there’s still a larger game to play.
This is vertical development in a nutshell.
And yes, this scares the shit out of most people because you can never know it all. Although people still try to fake it by trying to be a know-it-all.