
Welcome adventurer! My name is Nollind Whachell. I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada with my vibrant wife, Sandra, and my lazy cat, Winston.

I’m fascinated with levelling up as an adult (aka psychological growth and development), particularly with regards to how it can transform our identity and meaning of our world, allowing us to unlock and step into a whole new world(view) of possibilities and potential for ourselves.

This is achieved by designing your life in such a way that it aligns with the values you want to live by. And then actually taking action on those values by living and embodying them. Think of it similar to how a player might create a character and embody it within a role-playing game they were playing. Yet this game is called Life.

As a whole though, this requires one to go beyond a new way of working and even a new way of learning to exploring a new way of playing with one’s very sense of self-identity. In doing so, one realizes that “the future of work” isn’t just about working but about the integration of playing, learning, and working as an essential core aspect of truly living a meaningful life. In fact so much so that feeling alive feels like an epic adventure in itself.

This is the essence of what growth and development means to me. It’s about learning to play again but at a level you never could have possibly imagined before.

Secret Level Official Teaser | Amazon Prime Video

My Backstory

The following is a synopsis of my backstory. It shows the beginning of my quest, starting in 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst and I began questioning the conventional concept to work, and evolves over the years as I try to understand what’s happening psychologically below the surface of society, as well as how to navigate the monumental changes taking place using transformative play to do so.

Work Isn’t Working – The realization that the existing paradigm is broken.

The Future of Work – The search for what comes next, beyond conventional structures.

Creativity – The process of exploring and imagining new possibilities.

Vertical Development – The deeper, personal transformation required to truly step into new ways of being.

Life as a Role-Playing Game – The ultimate metaphor that ties it all together, offering a playful and expansive way to navigate life and identity.

Work on living what you have learnt through play.

Nollind Whachell