I just stumbled across Lost Garden while browsing through Game Blogs. Unbelievable content. Excellent essays and posts on game design that can be applied to other design avenues (i.e. community design, web design, etc) with a little imagination.
Here’s a few notable posts.
Team culture matters
Persistent myths about Game Design
User Content: Working with players to efficiently create profitable games
Of course the main reason why I like the site so much is that it coincides with a lot of similar beliefs of my own (i.e. thoughts on Cultural Mojo, etc).
PS. I seriously need to figure out a direction with my blog here because I want to write more about game design (as well as other topics I’m interested in). Therefore, I either need to start looking at categorizing my posts or creating a separate journal blog for each topic of interest. I think the one blog journal approach might be too chaotic for some people with such a diverse array of topics, so I think I might go for the one journal per topic approach to keep the content flow very focused.