I recently wrote three posts on vertical development specifically for Substack (which I’ve now archived on my website here).
Why Is Vertical Development so Important in Our World Today?
Why Should Vertical Development Training Be Accessible to Everyone?
These weren’t so much for gauging interest on the topic on Substack, as they were a test of seeing whether I could get into the groove of writing again.
Incredibly, it felt amazing to write these and they just seemed to flow out of me. I basically started writing at around 9 AM in the morning and wrote till around noon and published them each, one day after the other.
After I had completed the final of the three, I really felt good about myself and felt like I had gotten into the groove of writing again.
But after spending the weekend to reflect upon them, it dawned on me that even though these felt great in terms of writing them, they weren’t the voice, tone, and language I was looking for. Of course, what it is that I am looking for in terms of these is what I am still struggling with.
The inability to communicate one’s thoughts is in very truth the most terrible of all kinds of loneliness.
Friedrich Nietzsche
If I could put this feeling of what tone and language I am looking for into words though, it would have to be this (along with a video I discovered a couple months back that seems like the perfect metaphor for it).
It would be as though you realized that all of the greatest writers in the world were sharing a secret magical language that in turn allowed you to discover a secret level to life within which lies a whole new world you can adventure within.
And only you have the capability to unlock this world because you are the key to it.
That’s what I want my words to feel like. As though you are uncovering something both mystical and magical at the same time, a deeper truth to life that most people are completely unaware of, one that opens a way to a whole new world by opening it within you first.
This is what vertical development feels like to me when I don’t have to describe the technicality of it. It shouldn’t feel like your reading a dry, boring, technical computer manual on how to upgrade your brain. It should feel like a wondrous playful adventure to a new world of possibilities, one that gives you a collection of moments and experiences that transform your entire worldview and entire way of being.
People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.
Joseph Campbell
It’s time.
This world has waited for your arrival.
It is you.
You will open the door.
Because you are the chosen.
All those moments.
It’s a new adventure.
Just for you.
Come in.
You have a game to play.