Vertical Development

Our Perception of Reality Is Like a VR Headset

What if we realized that space-time is just our headset?

I think the next generation, that is spending all of their time in VR and the metaverse and so forth and is taking off the headset all the time, for them it’s going to be, “Oh ya! Space-time that’s just a headset.”

Simon Mundle has been doing an amazing job bringing different people together from different disciplines and discussing the deeper question of reality and how we perceive it. This directly relates to vertical development, as you could think of vertical development as a process of potentially recognizing the illusionary nature of our perception of reality, as we grow and development throughout our lives. Few people actually achieve this potential though.

But I absolutely love the metaphors being used in these discussions because they tie into my “life as a MMORPG” allegory (which is an extension of the Hero’s Journey allegory). In effect, imagine that you as a soul are using a mechanism which lets you simulate yourself as a separate ego, just like a player would play a character within a MMORPG. But the experience is so immersive for you, that you’ve forgotten that you are a player playing a character. So you are unconsciously playing the MMORPG called Life, unaware of the deeper nature of it.

As one levels up using vertical development though, they begin to understand the deeper, narrative mechanics of the game and the illusion they create. If you’re fortunate enough to “level up” to the latter levels, you gain the ability to be fully aware of the underlying narrative mechanics and thus are able to consciously play the MMORPG of life without fear or hesitations, instead fully embracing it as the epic “game” it is.

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