
Making My Journal Better

Ok, this isn’t working. I need to define some things here before I can start this “journey” in honest. Otherwise, I’m just going to get “lost in the woods” again and end up backtracking to where I started again. Already I see this happening, so I need to wipe the slate clean, start over, but bear the following things in mind using the “hate something, making something better” approach.


I hate just writing about stuff that I know. In effect, if I only write about what I already know and what I’ve already realized then this journal is going to be extremely ineffective to me, almost to the point of being useless. The reason for this is that there is often a chaotic mixture of thoughts in my head, leading up to a discovery, and a journal is the perfect place to jot down all of these thoughts, in a variety of forms and structures, so I can keep track of where I’m trying to “trail break”.

The problem with this approach though, of course, is that most of what I write is probably not going to make much sense to a lot of people. So the question is do I have a public journal at all or just a private one. And yet, during my adventures of exploration, I come across things that connect with the exploration of others. So in that sense, sharing these thoughts seems like the right thing to do. In effect, in doing so, it makes me feel like I’m an explorer, delving into the unknown and leaving trail markers and notes behind for those who are also exploring on the edge like myself.


I hate sounding like an all superior know-it-all. It’s because if I’ve learnt anything in my past explorations, at the point you start thinking you know it all, that’s the point you start closing your mind off to the world and stop seeing other amazing things to explore. In effect, it’s the point you start losing your awareness. So sure there is nothing wrong with me being a teacher or guide, sharing my information with others, but, more than anything, I need to continually be a humble student of life, always actively open to new experiences and discoveries that may present themselves daily, if not hourly.


I hate criticizing other people. The reason for this is pretty obvious. It’s because it’s so easy to criticize or to destroy someone else’s words or thoughts. To create though, that’s difficult. Therefore, when I read or hear something that I’d like to criticize or break apart, I need to instead look at it as an opportunity to connect with that person, fully understanding what they were trying to do, and then create an alternative approach instead.


I hate writing from a limited perspective. A lot of what I’m exploring applies to many aspects and areas of life. Therefore, the more specific I am in my writing from a certain perspective, the less useful what I’m writing is to certain people, because they may not see how it applies to them. For example, if I talk about something and explain how it relates to game design, I immediately risk making it unrelatable to people within business organizational design, even though the basic principles apply to both, plus other areas of life as well. So to avoid this, my greatest challenge is going to have to be write in such a way that it connects and relates to many diverse perspectives at once.


I hate making myself look like an obsessed nut case. While it’s very important for me to keep focused and relay what I’m passionate about, it’s also critically important for me to relay who I am as a whole person. Simply put, if I focus too much on my passion, I’ll seem like an obsessed nut case who can’t chill out, disconnect, and enjoy real life. In reality, I have a lot of other interests and loves like nature, animals, the outdoors, hiking, biking, drawing, composing music, photography, cooking, dining, online video games, and more. It’s important for me to relay these things, primarily because that are bridges to help people relate to me which in turn can lead to a possible connection or relationship in the future.