
Thanksgiving Kiva Style

With Thanksgiving just around the corner up here in Canada, I wanted to do a little something extra to give thanks for how good things have been going for me so far with regards to work. Therefore, just like how others are helping me to improve my business so that I can sustain myself, I’d like to do the same for others as well. With that in mind, and discovering just the other day, I decided to invest in a store owner, Adriana, located in Monterrey, Mexico to help her business grow so that she can sustain herself as well.

I can’t give much right now but hey that’s the beauty of the Web. Collectively, with each of us doing just our own small little bit, we can do some pretty big and amazing things as a whole community.  🙂

One reply on “Thanksgiving Kiva Style”

Thanks for posting about Kiva. It’s an amazing initiative with the potential for amazing results, starting with raising its awareness. You’ve given your readers a uniquie opportunity to get involved in a worthy cause, in a practical way. Perhaps you would consider extending the shelf life of Kiva’s message by placing a link or small banner on your site (easy to apply code is found at Thanks again for you support! Happy Thanksgiving from a fellow Canadian!!

Tim (volunteer with