I’m back but with a new direction.
First off, just a quick note to let everyone know that I’m no longer working at Squarespace. In addition, I want to thank Anthony for giving me the opportunity to work with him at Squarespace and letting me see the inner workings of such a great web publishing service such as Squarespace. It was a wonderful opportunity.
With regards to work, I’ve got some of my own ideas that I’m going to be pursuing over the next little while (that still relate to Squarespace though) and you’ll see these appear on my site in the days ahead. In addition, I’ll probably be adding a “Services” page sometimes soon that will explain what I’ll be offering.
“Where’s my journal?” you might also be wondering. I took it down, as I don’t see a need for it right now. Depending upon how things go, I might add it back in the future but I’ll have to see how things go. Instead, I’ve just created this “News” page that will just relay occasional news and updates relating to my site. If you want to get a hold of me and chat though, feel free to give me a shout via my Contact page.
UPDATE: Journal is back up. Think I’ve found a “structure” I can live with.