Got the opportunity to get out last night and see some local talent at the Roxy downtown. Not knowing anything about the bands other than a friend of ours knew the keyboardist in one of the them, I thought they’d probably be “ok” and it was a good chance to let loose for the evening. However after seeing and listening to each of the bands perform, I was pretty much blown away. I had no idea the local talent in Vancouver was this good, as I’d describe them both as extremely talented performers.
Tom Howie and his band were up first and they could have headlined as a local act easily in my opinion. Sincere would be the single word I’d describe Tom with. He just seemed really genuine and didn’t appear to be putting on an “act” in anyway. Kind of a “take me as I am” kind of guy and performance. Overall, I loved what I saw and purchased his EP immediately with a very strong interest in getting a hold of more of his music in the future.
Brandon Paris and his band were up after Tom and again there were amazing. Diversity would be the word I would use to describe the band and what makes them so appealing, as their music seems like it has a little bit of everything in it (a “fusion” if you will). The lead men of the band, Brandon Paris and his exuberant sidekick Dagriff, are an incredible combination together onstage. Brandon’s words cut into you with his sincerity, while Dagriff’s reggae vocals fill you up with endless energy making it hard not to get up and hit the dance floor. Again, I immediately grabbed their CD, as these guys are definitely going places as well.
Update: Apparently both bands will be playing again on April 23rd at The Blarney Stone downtown in Gastown at 216 Carrall Street. It supposed to be a benefit concert and tickets are only $10. Definitely going to see if I can make to this one again, as these guys are awesome. I’ve been playing their CD’s repeatedly since Thursday and with each playing, I like them even more.