Oh ya! I’m back baby! And this time I think for good. So why the change of heart and mood? Because I think I’ve finally figured out a way where I can talk about everything I want to talk about (in other words, the things that matter most to me) without blogging my head off everyday (because I’m sick of talking about the same thing over and over again). Even better, I think this new approach may even be able to support me financially assuming I take the right path with it. I’ll talk more about this later but one more thing before I go. This journal will now become sort of like my site news and thus will probably be only updated on occasion from now on. The “meat” of my site will lay elsewhere. And hopefully if all goes well, I’ll be able to relaunch by Monday (at least that is the plan). Stay tuned…if you can put up with me that is.
5 replies on “I’m Back! Woohoo!”
Welcome back. Now to read up on where you’ve been to be back from. ๐ Am curious to read more about your “connected community” thoughts.
p.s. I like the blog design. All except the previous page, next page links. My pea brain keeps forgetting they is backwards everytime I get to them after reading a page. ๐
Hey Craig! Glad you could stop by! The place is actually a mess right now (from a structure standpoint anyways). Hehe! In the middle of doing some renovations. ๐
As for those next and previous buttons, I might actually take those out again. Not sure yet. I just want people to focus more on what I’m doing now instead of what I’ve done in the past (like be a jackass). ๐
I should “hopefully” have some more “connected communities” stuff online by Monday. I’ve got a lot of cleaning up to do on the site, so we’ll see how well it goes though. I’m hoping I’ll have some of it done by then though so I can at least show people what I’m working towards and take it from there.
Actually I’ve changed it for now because, your right, it makes more sense this way. That way if you want to see the previous entry/post I made, you click the “previous entry” button (because you’re going back in time).
Awesome. I’ll reprogram myself back to the usual then shall I. ๐
As for your communities ideas, I look forward to seeing what comes of that recent brainstorming.
For me the future there lies in software that facilitates users in connecting with like-minded people in person and not only online in communities. There has to be a balance of both. It’s too easy to find yourself stuck online in the digital world and end up feeling disconnected from the real one.
The Information Architecture Age is presently upon us, folksonomy, taxonomy, anataxonomy, syndication and the like, all in aide of freedom and overcoming present information overload. I’m also seeing the spread of real world activities in the form of meetups and events. That for me is the beginnings of Web 3.0 or as I like to call it Web free. ๐
The future web for me is in sharing the offline with the online. Technology and services such as photo sharing, music sharing, news readering, aggregating, blogs and content sharing all facilitate this but at the moment a lot of it is driven by the technology itself. If your looking ahead to projects like Sixaparts Comet, I’d be looking ahead a little further and including not just personal blogging and sharing that with others, but everything else we do in reality and being able to share that with others in person too. Activity and Locality alerts and information are the keys to facilitating that for me. I want to know whats happening around me. Close to me. Not in some far off laboratory that is technology.
Bring on Web free. ๐
Wow, well said Craig.
EXACTLY! I couldn’t agree more. Technology is great but it has be used in a simple and non-obtrusive way. The more complex and obtrusive it is, the more it gets in the way of people instead of directly connecting them. I think Arthur C. Clarke said it best when he said that advanced technology is no different than magic.
This is the foundation of the Recovery 2.0 project created by Jeff Jarvis. The idea is to use the online world to help people to communicate and collaborate better in achieving goals in the offline world (i.e. disaster relief, etc). Obviously it will spread to more than just disaster relief though. I seriously see the online and offline world interweaving with one another more and more.
Wow, this sounds very similar to my post on situational awareness. It also relates to my ideas of connected communities in that to achieve global goals they need to be locally based. Actually this also relates to my post about permaculture in that those who practice permaculture believe that technology should be very visible and easy to understand and comprehend. While this may sound like it contradicts my magic statement above, it actually doesn’t. Sometimes the simplest technology is the most powerful (due to its flexibility and ease of use).
BTW I wrote something a few years back that I think I might repost again today. I let David Weinberger look at it at the time but I never really released it to the public. I think I might do that today because I’m hearing a lot of thoughts echoing around that relate to it.