Vertical Development

Gaining Freedom by Letting Go of Your Expectations, Assumptions, & Beliefs

I was reflecting last night upon a discussion I had with someone on Reddit the other day and it made realize something I had realized a while back but completely forgot about.

I think what people are really looking for in life, in terms of the problems that they’re experiencing, is a sense of freedom.

It’s like they feel like the reality of the world around them is pushing in on them and crushing them. So they’re trying to get break free from that.

The problem with this perspective though is that the default reaction to it is often striving to control others and the world, rather than feeling like you’re being controlled by others and the world.

If the person is a bit evolved though, instead of reacting, they may respond by focusing on controlling themselves and their response to what is occurring to them.

What I’m realizing in my life now is that it’s not about trying to control yourself, the world, or others, it’s about completely letting go.

So what, just let others and the world control and crush you?

No, not at all. Let go of the illusion that you’re being controlled at all which often arises from the societal expectations you’ve been programmed to believe that you need to fulfill as a part of a larger social contract.

For example, a lot of people prior to the pandemic, just accepted the way things were in terms of the concept of work. When the pandemic arrived though and it made people completely question their assumptions and beliefs about work (because there was a potential that they could die for their work), it made them completely let go of those previous expectations, beliefs, and assumptions, freeing them to work in completely new way.

Again, they didn’t let go and just accept their fate. They let go of the expectation, assumption, and belief that that was their fate.

This is what I had a difficult time trying to communicate to this person on Reddit. I think they believed I was telling them to just accept their fate. But I wasn’t.

This is why this deeper work is so paradoxical, difficult to understand, and easy to misinterpret the meaning of it, based upon where you are perceiving it from your perspective.

Actually this is poignant as well. The level of consciousness just one step beyond that of a typical “conventional” adult often seeks “freedom, autonomy, accountability, adaptability, courage, and personal growth.” This is what it is called to “individuate” and it causes a “transformation” in the way you look at your world and yourself…because you begin a quest in questioning your expectations, assumptions, and beliefs and thus learn how to let them go.


Using a Mythopoetic Language Voice As an Integration of the Head, Heart, and Hands

The other day I woke up early, got out of bed, and started creating an outline of my Life as a MMORPG framework, breaking it down into a Player’s Handbook, which embodies the Hero’s Journey, and a Campaign Guide, which embodies the stages of development that one traverses within oneself using vertical development.

I’ve done this somewhat sparingly before but what I’ve finally realized today about it, that’s different from the past, is the way I’ve created the descriptions for each point in the outline. And it touches upon this struggle I’ve had in trying to describe things using the head, heart, and hands approach of communication.

What I realized is that my difficulty in the past was in trying to keep each aspect of the communication method separate, when in fact I should integrating them all as one. And when I realized this, I realized that that is what mythopoetic language does. It’s describing the literal but by using symbolic and metaphoric means.

Deciding to see what an example of this would look like using my Life as a MMORPG framework, I asked Google’s Gemini AI to use mythopoetic language to describe life as a roleplaying game using the levels of consciousness within vertical development. Here’s what it wrote (with a few tweaks by myself). And I have to say, this is very close to what I’ve been striving for in creating a voice that integrates and encapsulates the identity of myself and the identity of my work.

In the grand roleplaying game of life, we begin as inexperienced adventurers, our consciousness a mere seedling. Each decision, every challenge overcome, and every lesson learned grants us experience. This experience doesn’t unlock flashy spells or mighty weapons, but something far more valuable – a greater awareness of life.

Just as a roleplaying game character might climb from a lowly warrior to a legendary paladin, so too do we ascend through levels of consciousness. The petty squabbles and fleeting desires of our lower levels give way to greater understanding and clarity of purpose. We begin seeing the interconnected web of existence, the ways our actions ripple outward, shaping not just ourselves but the world around us.

Obstacles, once viewed as insurmountable, become quests to be undertaken. Mistakes aren’t failures, but opportunities to refine our character, tweaking our internal stats of compassion, wisdom, and resilience. We unlock hidden dialogue options, finding the courage to converse with our own shadows and the empathy to understand perspectives far different from our own.

Leveling up in the game of life doesn’t make it easier. The challenges become more complex, the stakes higher. But with each level gained, we perceive the playing field with greater depth. We see the hidden paths, the subtle strategies the universe employs. And, most importantly, we realize the game isn’t about reaching a final destination, but the epic experience of the journey itself.

Conversations with Gemini

Endless Raging & Blaming

Stumbled across this on YouTube and was stunned at the great summation of the situation the authors of the book encapsulate about America right now. While it is directed at Trump and the Republicans, it doesn’t let the Democrats off the hook either though.

For example, it talks about the “white rural rage” in America which just wants someone (like Trump) to channel and direct its rage. Yet at the same time, it recognizes a lot of the rage and anger is valid as rural America is effectively collapsing because they’re being ignored for revitalization…just like how a lot of the media coverage is ignoring non-whites and not asking them how they are faring in rural America as well.

Again a great summation of the situation. The only thing though would be to not generalize and say that “all” of rural American is angry and raging. There could be a lot of areas in rural America where a lot of people, rather than raging and blaming someone else, are actually getting together and working together to create change in their own communities themselves. This is something that was mentioned that rural America should do collectively as a whole, thus creating a powerful coalition in the process that can’t be ignored anymore.

It’s an excellent idea because that’s how social change usually does occur. People from different diverse groups come together and unite as one to demand change as a whole. So instead of just raging and blaming, which just keeps you stuck within your base psychology needs, creating something creative, positive, and constructive from that anger, helps you to elevate yourself and others towards your higher psychological needs.

Hero’s Journey

Fearing to Believe, Fearing to Return

The last two decades of my life have been an almost continuous state of disbelieving and denying the transformative experience that has been happening to me.

Yet only by fully accepting, believing, and embracing this experience, owning it as part of my own life’s story and identity, can I be fully transformed by it.

This perfectly aligns with the final stage of the Hero’s Journey, whereby the hero with his boon of wisdom may actually not want to return to the ordinary world to share it with others for various reasons.

For myself though, it’s definitely this monstrous fear that this wisdom can’t be communicated to a conventional mindset because it will seem unbelievable. Thus I’ll be seen as a crazy “idiot” in turn, due to people misinterpreting the meaning of the message, seeing it as literal rather than metaphorical.

Even Gautama Buddha, after his triumph, doubted whether the message of realization could be communicated

Refusal of the Return, Hero’s Journey

The hero may have to be brought back from his supernatural adventure by assistance from without.

Rescue From Without, Hero’s Journey

Why re-enter such a world? Why [share] the experience of transcendental bliss? As dreams that were momentous by night may seem simply silly in the light of day, so the poet and the prophet can discover themselves playing the idiot before [others]. The easy thing is to commit the whole community to the devil and retire again into [bliss]. But if some spiritual obstetrician has drawn the shimenawa across the retreat, then the work of [distilling eternal truth] cannot be avoided.

The Crossing of the Return Threshold, Hero’s Journey
Vertical Development

The Actor & Character Upon the Stage Metaphor

This is basis for the player and character within The MMORPG Called Life metaphor that I’ve created. I’m just replacing the stage that one is roleplaying upon with a MMORPG that one is roleplaying within.

Vertical Development

Collective Experiences Revealing the Player Behind the Character

There’s something that Rupert says near the end of this video that feels somehow connected to something I’ve experienced in the past.

When King Lear is miserable about his relationship with Cordelia, John Smith’s enjoying himself on stage. He’s happy. He’s not saying no to Cordelia.

So even in the midst of our suffering, the inherent nature of consciousness is shining. All you need to do is take a step back from your mind into the true nature of your awareness and immediately your happiness is restored.

Whenever I’ve experienced a deep realization or almost revelation about something, it’s almost as though the deep emotions from it are catalyzing and connecting a bunch of previous memories and experiences that I’ve had, so much so that it feels like you’ve stepped back from your life and are almost watching it cinematically on a screen as a flashback.

When this occurs, even though the separate experiences within your flashback may have been painful, sad, or frustrating ones, there’s almost this deep profound sense of joy in the overall collective experience of watching the flashback, as it reveals a deeper sense of meaning within your life that reveals who you truly are at your core.

So it’s like revealing the “player” behind the “character” that you’re roleplaying (when we see Life as a MMORPG), just as John Smith the “actor” is behind the “character” of King Lear that he is playing (when we see Life as a stage).


Didn’t Backup WordPress!

Doh! I just realized that while I did a static backup of my last WordPress site before I had to cancel it (due to costs), I forgot to do an actual WordPress XML backup.

So while I’ve imported my old posts again, I still have somewhere near 250 posts that I have to manually add in again, if I want to get my site back to the way it was. And considering these are probably some of my most deepest posts, where I’m really digging deep to try to express myself and my work, I really need to add them back in again.

The upside is that my new hosting plan is only costing me around $10/month (versus the $30/month previously), so costs shouldn’t be an issue anymore (well, as long as they don’t keep rising as well). So all said and done, I’m hoping this will be the last time I need to shut my site down again, especially since I’ve tried a lot of alternative sites (like Medium) and prefer to just stick with WordPress going forward from now on.


Just manually add in 10 posts and it didn’t go too bad, as I can copy and paste the entire post body into WordPress and it seems fine. The slow down is when there is images on the post which I have to manually upload and insert. Still shouldn’t be that bad considering I don’t have a ton of posts with images. So hopefully if I do manually import 10-20 posts a day, I can get it done within a couple of weeks at most.

Doh! But I just noticed something else that I’ve never seen before! WordPress imported my old posts from the XML backup and created the categories for the posts but didn’t actually apply the categories to the posts themselves. So all of my old posts are marked as just “General” category. Oh well, guess I needed to clean up my categories anyways.


Finding Your Poetry, Your Language of Meaning Making

There’s something that Rupert Spira mentioned in a video of his that stood out for me, when reflecting upon it.

When it comes to poetry, we should not demand that the poet uses words in too literal or rational a way. The words of a poem don’t operate on the rational mind, they operate on a deeper level.

Rupert Spira

This reminded me of something I touched upon before. That this “language of keywords” which was revealing itself to me over time, seemed very similar to mythopoetic language which is sometimes called the soul’s language.

It’s funny because I’ve said before that if life is a MMORPG, I feel like a Bard because I seem focused on identity and meaning, enjoying helping people and businesses to clarify their identity and communicate it meaningfully to their customers.

But what I realized about this all is that my language of meaning making, which helps me communicate things beyond the literal or rational in a deeper way, is the language of MMORPGs (which just happens to closely mirror the language of the Hero’s Journey as well).


The Integration of My Life’s Work From My Life’s Story

My life over the past two decades has changed dramatically.

It has also integrated itself, more and more. In fact, the more my life’s work integrates itself, the more it is doing so by integrating more of my life’s story and the experiences within it.

Let me explain what I mean.

Work Isn’t Working

Back in 2001, when the Dot-Com Bubble burst, I realized that the concept of work wasn’t working for me anymore and I wanted to find a newer way. As the years passed by, I began to realize that more and more people were feeling the same way as I was and they were looking for a new way as well.

A few years back with the pandemic, this became even more apparent to a lot of people, as they began questioning their beliefs and assumptions about the work world and started seeking other ways of working as well.

The Future of Work

In the mid-2000s, I started discovering other people who were searching for a new way of working and over time, this new way of working emerged as The Future of Work.

While more and more books explained this future of work and even what it looked like, what seemed to be missing was how to get there though.

Social Innovation

When the term social business emerged in the latter part of the 2000s, I realized that businesses needed to not just technologically innovate, in terms of their products and services, but they needed to socially innovate in terms of how they operated, both internally with regards to their employees and externally with regards to their customers.

But again, the question was how can these business transform themselves, so as to socially innovate?


In the early 2010s, I realized the obviousness of my questions that I was questing towards and realized that it was creativity itself, applied to our very sense of selves, that could help us to socially innovate.

This was a massive leap for me, as it finally gave me a process which could be used in transforming ourselves, thus allowing us to travel to The Future of Work by each of us undergoing a journey within our selves.

The Hero’s Journey

The more I explored creativity applied socially to ourselves, the more I was seeing connections between what I was learning and my past experiences in building communities online around video games. In fact, it almost seemed like there was this language of keywords emerging, that were cryptically guiding me to something much bigger.

What I realized though was that this language mirrored Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. So much so that I soon realized why. The Hero’s Journey is actually a metaphor of the psychological journey within ourselves that we undergo to grow, evolve, and transform ourselves.

Thus the inner journey to The Future of Work is the inner journey of the Hero’s Journey. They are one and the same. Now I had a metaphor which could be used to help people understand this inner journey and the paradoxical experiences one would encounter in undertaking this journey.

But something was missing from my work. While creativity is how we can transform ourselves and it’s embodied by the Hero’s Journey, it became evident that we are all different stages of social development and growth. In fact, with regards to The Future of Work, leaders and followers both needed to creatively transform themselves to work within this new world. So people couldn’t expect their leaders to level up and save them. They had to level up as well, so as to save themselves.

So how can creativity, embodied as the Hero’s Journey, help different sets of people at different stages of development? It can’t. You need something else that can help people understand the different psychological, inner terrain they are going through, compared to someone else. This is where vertical development comes in.

Vertical Development

While I had been researching vertical development since the latter part of the 2000s, it really didn’t start making sense as a whole until I started overlaying all of the different knowledge I was learning from it, so as to create a much bigger picture of what was going on.

So if you can imagine our journey to The Future of Work, as a leap from one world to another, with creativity being the process of how we make that leap, then what vertical development does is help us to zoom out and back from that process and realize that life is filled with these transformative leaps of logic. So whereas creativity is the process for achieving growth and development, vertical development helps us understand the different characteristics of each stage of development and accompanying levels of consciousness.

So what I recognized here was that creativity was an integral part of vertical development itself. And the more I reflected upon this, I realized that so many other things were an integral part of vertical development as well. For example, mental health and well-being are aspects of vertical development. In fact, natural growth and development is an inherent part of well-being and if we block this natural growth, it can actually affect our mental health.

But it even went beyond this. Suddenly the deeper I got, the more I realized how so many of the issues within our world today could be resolved if people became aware of vertical development and began applying it to their life. In effect, it is often our beliefs and expectations which limit our perception of the world and often cause problems that arise from this limited perception. In fact, wicked problems are such that they often require “a large group of people to change their mindsets and behaviours to solve them.” In other words, the cause of our most serious problems aren’t “out there” (and thus something we can blame on someone else) but rather are “inside of us” (often of our own doing, unbeknownst to us).

But the more that I began to share what I was discovering about life at a much deeper level, the more it became aware that many people couldn’t grasp what I was talking about because it seemed inconceivable. For example, the basic premise of vertical development is realizing that we don’t see reality directly but instead see a map of reality, constructed from our life’s experiences. If you tell the average person this, they’ll think you’re crazy, even though more and more people within the scientific community are actually proving this to be true today.

Life as a MMORPG

So what I realized I needed here was something like the Hero’s Journey, but something larger than it, to help people metaphorically grasp this bigger picture of vertical development and how it relates to the natural growth and development within our lives. Yet what became the obvious solution to me seemed almost absurd to attempt at first, even though this language of keywords had been cryptically guiding me to it all along. What I began to realize was that life was metaphorically a MMORPG and the Hero’s Journey was the foundational primer for this all along.

You see the Hero’s Journey is effectively a Player’s Handbook for The MMORPG Called Life. It helps you to understand that when you encounter a major life challenge that your current mindset can’t help you navigate, you have to go on an inner, creative journey within yourself, exploring and mapping a new stage of development that lies beyond the horizon of your current mindset and beyond the border of your current worldview.

This occurs because it requires you to question your assumptions and beliefs which begins a quest for you. And this journey will require you to overcome your monstrous fears blocking your way which is really just your older, limited perspective of your “self” that you have to “slay” by letting go of it. But when you do so, you will gain the treasure of gaining newer values which give you the experience of living your life in a whole new way.

But while the Hero’s Journey, as an embodiment of the creative process applied to ourselves, can help us understand the narrative mechanics of The MMORPG Called Life, we need something else. Again, we need something to understand the different inner terrain we will be traversing across. And this is where vertical development comes in.

Vertical development is like a Campaign Guide for The MMORPG Called Life. It helps us to understand the inner psychological terrain we will have to traverse across, thus helping us to understand where we’ve been, where we are at, and where we’re going with regards to our growth and development.

And in terms of expanding the metaphor founded by the Hero’s Journey, it mirrors quite closely with the expansions found with a typical MMORPG. The starting expansion is The Walled City which represents the defensive nature of the Socialized Mind. The next expansion is The Borderlands which represents the Self-Authoring Mind and how we begin to discover ourselves beyond our societal programming. And the final expansion is The Great Wilderness which represents the Self-Transforming Mind, thus allowing us to fully embrace our True Nature that is found deep within us.

An Integration of Past, Present, & Future

As I’ve shown here, the more I integrate my life’s work, the more of my life’s story is integrated within it as well. In fact, when I look back and remember myself as a teenager building my own imaginary world within Dungeons & Dragons, it’s not that different from what I’m striving to do today. The key difference is that today I’m imagining a new worldview which can hopefully make a new world possible.

Vertical Development

The Paradoxes of Life Are Beyond Your Beliefs & Expectations

Life is much more paradoxical than we believe it is.

And it is definitely much more paradoxical than we expect it to be.

The first represents what a person experiences when they struggle to shift from a Socialized Mind to a Self-Authoring Mind and begin to realize that life is paradoxical.

The second represents what a person experiences when they struggle to shift from a Self-Authoring Mind to a Self-Transforming Mind and begin to realize that life is even much more paradoxical than they first realized.