Endless Raging & Blaming

Stumbled across this on YouTube and was stunned at the great summation of the situation the authors of the book encapsulate about America right now. While it is directed at Trump and the Republicans, it doesn’t let the Democrats off the hook either though.

For example, it talks about the “white rural rage” in America which just wants someone (like Trump) to channel and direct its rage. Yet at the same time, it recognizes a lot of the rage and anger is valid as rural America is effectively collapsing because they’re being ignored for revitalization…just like how a lot of the media coverage is ignoring non-whites and not asking them how they are faring in rural America as well.

Again a great summation of the situation. The only thing though would be to not generalize and say that “all” of rural American is angry and raging. There could be a lot of areas in rural America where a lot of people, rather than raging and blaming someone else, are actually getting together and working together to create change in their own communities themselves. This is something that was mentioned that rural America should do collectively as a whole, thus creating a powerful coalition in the process that can’t be ignored anymore.

It’s an excellent idea because that’s how social change usually does occur. People from different diverse groups come together and unite as one to demand change as a whole. So instead of just raging and blaming, which just keeps you stuck within your base psychology needs, creating something creative, positive, and constructive from that anger, helps you to elevate yourself and others towards your higher psychological needs.

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