
Using a Mythopoetic Language Voice As an Integration of the Head, Heart, and Hands

The other day I woke up early, got out of bed, and started creating an outline of my Life as a MMORPG framework, breaking it down into a Player’s Handbook, which embodies the Hero’s Journey, and a Campaign Guide, which embodies the stages of development that one traverses within oneself using vertical development.

I’ve done this somewhat sparingly before but what I’ve finally realized today about it, that’s different from the past, is the way I’ve created the descriptions for each point in the outline. And it touches upon this struggle I’ve had in trying to describe things using the head, heart, and hands approach of communication.

What I realized is that my difficulty in the past was in trying to keep each aspect of the communication method separate, when in fact I should integrating them all as one. And when I realized this, I realized that that is what mythopoetic language does. It’s describing the literal but by using symbolic and metaphoric means.

Deciding to see what an example of this would look like using my Life as a MMORPG framework, I asked Google’s Gemini AI to use mythopoetic language to describe life as a roleplaying game using the levels of consciousness within vertical development. Here’s what it wrote (with a few tweaks by myself). And I have to say, this is very close to what I’ve been striving for in creating a voice that integrates and encapsulates the identity of myself and the identity of my work.

In the grand roleplaying game of life, we begin as inexperienced adventurers, our consciousness a mere seedling. Each decision, every challenge overcome, and every lesson learned grants us experience. This experience doesn’t unlock flashy spells or mighty weapons, but something far more valuable – a greater awareness of life.

Just as a roleplaying game character might climb from a lowly warrior to a legendary paladin, so too do we ascend through levels of consciousness. The petty squabbles and fleeting desires of our lower levels give way to greater understanding and clarity of purpose. We begin seeing the interconnected web of existence, the ways our actions ripple outward, shaping not just ourselves but the world around us.

Obstacles, once viewed as insurmountable, become quests to be undertaken. Mistakes aren’t failures, but opportunities to refine our character, tweaking our internal stats of compassion, wisdom, and resilience. We unlock hidden dialogue options, finding the courage to converse with our own shadows and the empathy to understand perspectives far different from our own.

Leveling up in the game of life doesn’t make it easier. The challenges become more complex, the stakes higher. But with each level gained, we perceive the playing field with greater depth. We see the hidden paths, the subtle strategies the universe employs. And, most importantly, we realize the game isn’t about reaching a final destination, but the epic experience of the journey itself.

Conversations with Gemini

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