Shifting My Focus From Relationships to Objects

My perception of my problem before last week was that I felt incapable of articulating what vertical development was because it is something very complex to communicate and understand.

However, what this did was make me believe that I was incapable of doing so because I wasn’t an “expert” enough to do so (even though I had been researching it for years). So articulation became an impossibility for me that I believed and in turn feared.

Yet last week, I realized that my problem wasn’t the problem but rather my perception of the problem was my problem. Why? Because my perception was inaccurate.

I can articulate what vertical development is. I just wasn’t doing this because I was so focused on understanding the relationship between the different aspects of it as objects of knowledge that I avoided doing the obvious. That being articulating the very objects of knowledge themselves.

Once I reframed my perspective, suddenly the invisible became visible and I laughed at how I had been blind for so long. And suddenly, I could articulate because I believed I could. This is what it feels like get out of your own way.

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