Last night and this morning, I was reflecting upon something about my struggles in expressing myself.
My problem isn’t writing content. My problem is organizing my content.
Like even my last few posts I’ve written, after I write the post without much issue, I often get stumped as to what to categorize it as, so I just toss on some category and hope for the best.
This relates to what I said before in that I feel like I have all the pages for a book but they’re not in any order or structure and I struggle to figure out that structure.
Here’s another example. I can talk about the Hero’s Journey. I can talk about creativity. I can talk about vertical development. Where I freeze up is when I try to organize and structure the relationship between these things.
That’s what I need to focus on and work on.
So when I hear people say just focus on what’s in front of you and produce something. That’s fine. I can do that. That’s easy.
Taking what you’ve just produced and connecting it up into a bigger picture. That’s the hard part.
In effect, if I write multiple articles everyday for a week, I don’t feel productive in expressing myself unless I can take those articles and build something from them by showing the relationship amongst them, thus revealing this bigger picture and deeper meaning.
If I can’t do that then writing the content itself seems pointless, even though I can do it fairly easily.