
Focusing on the Process Itself vs The Output of the Process

I just realized something that seems so obvious now.

I’ve been diligently try to share my growth and development upon my site here because I believe that people can possibly learn from it (especially the deeper, paradoxical aspect of the journey).

But what I just realized is that a lot of my writing here is just talking about the output of my process rather than the process itself.

In other words, what are the core principles that make up my process?

Am I even aware of what my process is? Am I just intuitively winging it?

I think I’ve touched upon this before in that it’s easy to share knowledge about something, like what is vertical development, but practicing vertical development is a completely different story. And then actually trying to share that practice with someone else, who is unfamiliar with it, is even more complex.

But this is what I need to be focusing on.

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