
The Freedom To Kill Someone?

You don’t have a ‘right’ to endanger others (letter to the editor)
It is well established in American law that “your freedom to swing your fist ends at another person’s nose.”

Freedom is not the issue here. It is well established in American law that “your freedom to swing your fist ends at another person’s nose.” Similarly, the “freedom” to spread a potentially deadly virus ends when you are endangering others. Object to mandates? Quit. Think your “freedom” is being infringed upon? Stay out of public places. You don’t have a “right” to endanger those around you, either by driving 100 mph through a school zone or spreading a potentially deadly virus.

Of course when you bring up the virus being deadly, the next response you get back is a denial that it’s deadly. Thus the primary issue here is not a lack of facts but psychological stress causing people to intentionally deny the facts and reality before them, detaching any sense of responsibility for their actions because in their mind, “they’re doing the right thing and trying to save lives.”

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