
It’s The Meaningful Things That Matter

More and more you hear people saying that it is the little things in life that matter the most. I have to laugh at this because what most people define as being a little thing, I would define as being a very big thing because usually that thing has a lot of meaning in that person’s life. For example, you hear people say that it is little things like spending time with their kids that makes their day or life. Again, I don’t see this as a little thing but something huge. If that child adds so much meaning and joy to your life, shouldn’t you be spending as much time as possible with them? Again this relates to my previous post on distractions, as we all need to decide what is really important and meaningful in our life.

To be honest, working in the “typical job” of today where I would be working 10 to 12 hour days for a boss who doesn’t really care about me as a whole person is what I would call a “little thing” because it brings no joy or meaning (or passion for that matter) to my life. That’s one reason why I’m quite happy working only six hours a day right now because it gives me more time to balance my life out and do the things with those around me that provide meaning and enjoyment to my life (i.e. wife, family, friends, and yes even my wonderous feline companions who seem to teach me so much about life without even saying a single word).