
Finding Your Poetry, Your Language of Meaning Making

There’s something that Rupert Spira mentioned in a video of his that stood out for me, when reflecting upon it.

When it comes to poetry, we should not demand that the poet uses words in too literal or rational a way. The words of a poem don’t operate on the rational mind, they operate on a deeper level.

Rupert Spira

This reminded me of something I touched upon before. That this “language of keywords” which was revealing itself to me over time, seemed very similar to mythopoetic language which is sometimes called the soul’s language.

It’s funny because I’ve said before that if life is a MMORPG, I feel like a Bard because I seem focused on identity and meaning, enjoying helping people and businesses to clarify their identity and communicate it meaningfully to their customers.

But what I realized about this all is that my language of meaning making, which helps me communicate things beyond the literal or rational in a deeper way, is the language of MMORPGs (which just happens to closely mirror the language of the Hero’s Journey as well).

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