
Interconnected Interdependencies

mother and child, phitar, Flickr

It’s funny how things are so interconnected and interdependent upon one another. For example, you often hear people say “How am I supposed to get a job that requires experience if no one wants to hire me to get that experience?” Well along a similar approach, I was just thinking that most companies today want to see an online portfolio if they are going to consider hiring you for web work, as they find a resume insufficient. Yet the funny thing I find is that if I’m going to maintain a portfolio of all of my work online, I may as well continue doing freelance work full time since I’m pretty much advertising what I do in the first place. And ironically if I do start doing it full time again and start achieving the new approach I’ve set for myself, what’s the point of working elsewhere? Weird.

I guess it’s kind of like those job offers you hear from people, “Looking for partner for startup. No salary but percentage of profits.” I mean if I’m looking for work, why would I go work for someone else in a situation like that with no guarantee of salary when I could do the same thing on my own (with partners and ideas of my own choosing). I mean I’ve got a ton of ideas relating to online community magazines that I’d love to consider developing using the Squarespace web publishing system but passion alone doesn’t pay the bills. Sure over a longer period, an online magazine can be supported with ads but that usually takes at least six months to a year to start getting something remotely worthwhile. Therefore, it ironically goes back to the point that you need to go in a different direction (i.e. find paid work elsewhere), if you want to go in the direction you’d truly like (i.e. create an online magazine).

Again it seems somewhat like life in general. For example, if I want to be at my peak mentally (i.e. sitting at a computer and doing web work or writing), then I need to be physically active. In other words, I need to maintain different directions/approaches in my life to focus on my primary passions. If I don’t, if I spend all my time doing mental activities without being active then I find my physical state begins to suffer which in turn starts affecting my mental state. Actually when I was at my chiropractor the other week, I mentioned my new approach of “Connect. Empower. Inspire.” and he said it reminded him of a triangle approach relating to sports medicine. Basically it’s a holistic paradigm as an equilateral triangle with chemical, mental/emotional, and structural on each of the three sides and each interconnected and affecting the other (i.e. what you eat, being the chemical side, effects both your mental and structural sides).

What’s weird is that I’ve been working on a dream MMO game idea for a while now and I’m noticing the best approach to achieving gameplay is utilizing interconnected independencies again. Therefore, no single game element drives the experience of the entire game (thus preventing that single element from being taken advantage of) but instead it requires a handful of elements working together to achieve things. Actually for those who used to play Starcraft, that game is a perfect example of this approach, as it often required a multitude of different units working together to truly win out over an opponent. If you just focused on one primary unit type thoughout as your strength, it often turned into your primary weakness at the end of the game. Therefore diversity, being a group of different people or design elements, always seems to win out over a monolithic approach.