
Notes, Journal, & Articles

In writing my last post about redesigning my website, something dawned on me. I’m noticing a pattern emerging from posts, both in the present and in the past.

Basically I have three types of posts.

Note posts are short form content, usually emphasizing a single block of content (i.e. video, music, quote).

Journal posts are intermediate in size (i.e. a handful of paragraphs) and don’t have a featured image or intro text excerpt. This post itself would be considered as such. It’s basically jotting down a thought or idea as it occurs to you.

Article posts are long form, usually including a featured image and an intro text excerpt describing it. This is a thought or idea explored in detail.

All that said, if I following this pattern that is already emerging, I really don’t need to stylize or structure my content any more than it needs to be. If anything, it’s more about pacing the rhythm of the different post types so they accent one another.

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