Vertical Development

Questioning Why I Continually Put Up and Take Down My Website

A conversation with ChatGPT to see how my pattern of taking down my website over the years might relate to being stuck in a Self-Authoring Mind that’s preventing me from reaching a Self-Transforming Mind.


If I showed you my website history at, you would notice that over the last two decades I’ve continually setup and then took down my website. Sometimes my website stay up for months or even years, other times I may have put it up and taken it down multiple times in one year. Based upon what you know about me, why would you think I would do this? What do you think I was frustrated about, something that I feel that I couldn’t fully express? Perhaps something that I felt like I should be able to express and if I couldn’t then something was wrong with me?

Vertical Development

“You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”

Surprising insights from reflecting upon my website archive.

In deciding to redesign my website recently, I went to and looked back at some of my previous designs over the years to get some inspiration for creating something new. While I reminisced and looked back fondly on some of the minimalistic designs I had created, what the process quickly shifted to was what I had written and so succinctly at times.

What jumped out at me was how 2011 and 2012 seemed to be very poignant, transformational years. In effect, even though I wasn’t able to fully articulate myself and my work as a whole, what I articulated was profound. This was both the time where the deeper meaning of my Be Real Creative mantra was birthed but also the first time where I courageously and specifically stated that I was beginning to perceive “life as a game”within my post entitled The Playful Vision.

But the more I dove through these archives, the more I realized I was expressing profound things even much earlier. Like even as early as 2002, I was expressing really radical thoughts about perceiving a transformational world rather than our current transactional one in my post entitled Give What You Think It Is Worth To You. Considering I was using the Radio Userland software at the time (which had features that most web platforms still haven’t replicated today), I’m assuming this was after I had read The Cluetrain Manifesto and it had influenced me so deeply.

All said and done though, what affected me the most upon reflecting upon this all was a realization of how much more I wished I could have seen and read but couldn’t because of my reoccurring pattern of going offline in frustration at being unable to fully express myself…before eventually coming back online again. Yet what’s so ironic is that in my frustration of not being able to express myself so fully, I was often expressing myself in ways far beyond what I had been doing so before.

What I’m getting at here is often it seemed like I was so focused on where I wanted to be in the future, that I was often completely missing how much I had radically changed from my past to the present at that time.


Playing With Post Formats (Again) to Create My Own Personal Hub

For years, even decades, I’ve wanted my website to emulate what most people can easily do on social media networks in terms of being able to quickly and easily add different post types (i.e. links, quotes, images, videos, etc) which are effectively short-forms of content versus the typical long-form.

While WordPress used to have this feature prior to Gutenberg, calling it Post Formats, it eventually disappeared from a lot of more modern block-based themes, thus dashing my hopes that Gutenberg would actually make it easier to emulate post formats.

Today, however, after doing a bit of digging, I discovered that there seems to be a resurgence of utilizing post formats once again. And I believe that Nick Bohle’s words below really drive home the reason why.

Since “Social media isn’t social anymore”, the (grassroots) movement of having your website as your personal hub on the internet is gaining more momentum…

Post formats can assist WordPress (e.g. the ActivityPub plugin) in translating posts into activities (such as notes, images, articles, or quotes) and federating them to platforms like Mastodon or PixelFed.

Nick Bohle
WordPress, Post Format and Default Themes

But beyond Nick’s words, a lot of other people also seemed to want to reintegrate post formats back into WordPress, based upon this Bring Post Formats to Block Themes GitHub discussion which was originally created in 2023 but went well into 2024.

Due to this discussion (and probably others), I believe this is why post formats were re-introduced back into the current Twenty Twenty-Five theme, which is amazing to say the least.

As I originally stated, my main desire for using post formats again is because of their ability to easily and quickly share short-form content, while your mind ruminates on what long-form content you’d like to write about it.

And sharing this short-form content is extremely important to me because probably 90% or more of my daily work is based upon these small pieces, loosely joining and creating long-form ideas and thoughts.

To put this another way, this short-form content is really where the creativity happens in my work, yet its completely invisible to most people. They just see a long-form post instead and might be perplexed how I got to that point or made that leap of logic.

That said though, it’s important that this short-form content doesn’t overload and drown out my long-form content. Thus I need to create links that filter out and separate my short-form content from my long-form content, thus allowing people to see what I’m narrowing in on (i.e short-form) or stepping back and seeing a bigger picture of (i.e. long-form).

To put this another way, I want to visibly show how things bubble up and emerge within my mind.

That’s it for now and it definitely won’t be all sun and roses. While I’ve created quotes, links, videos, and aside post formats for now, really the hard work will be trying to bend the Twenty Twenty-Five theme to my will and get it to work the way I want it to because I’ve played with it in the past and the basic styling and structuring is not playing nice and working like I logically expect it to (perhaps due to earlier bugs I experienced before).

If it doesn’t work out the way I want it to, I may try another modern WordPress theme that is more flexible and also includes post formats.

Update: While the Twenty Twenty-Five theme is a vast improvement over previous themes, the poor usability especially within the Site Editor is still holding me back from fully embracing it and using it. So for now, I’m sticking with the Twenty Twenty theme which I still find immensely usable, especially when combined with the Twentig plugin. To get post format compatibility, I just added some PHP code to enable it within the theme.


Your Website As Your Personal Hub

Since “Social media isn’t social anymore”, the (grassroots) movement of having your website as your personal hub on the internet is gaining more momentum, along with the principles of POSSE and the growing popularity of the Fediverse. Consequently, post formats are becoming increasingly important once again.

  • Post formats as a taxonomy. In WordPress, a taxonomy is a system for organizing and classifying content. The two main taxonomies are categories and tags, with bases /category/ and /tag/ respectively. As more varied non-standard content is published, post formats—if registered via a child theme or plugin—can serve as a third taxonomy with the base /type/.
  • Fediverse interaction. Post formats can assist WordPress (e.g. the ActivityPub plugin) in translating posts into activities (such as notes, images, articles, or quotes) and federating them to platforms like Mastodonor PixelFed.
Nick Bohle
WordPress, Post Format and Default Themes
Vertical Development

Holding Space for Meaning to Emerge

There’s nothing “wrong” will leaving things empty, if in doing so it creates a vacuum that pulls meaningful things into it.

Oh my god! What if that’s it? What if that’s all it is?

In effect, what if this is all about is just holding space for something to emerge?!

What I’m talking about here is that I was working on my Life as an MMORPG website and I was changing my existing quote posts so that certain keywords weren’t just bolded for emphasis but were actually linking to pages that would describe what these keywords meant.

But for many months, perhaps even a year, I’m been struggling to find the words to articulate the meaning of these keywords, even though these words are slowing emerging within me.

However, because I couldn’t find the right words immediately, even after repeatedly failing to figuring out ways to do so, I ended up feeling like were was something wrong with me and I was doing something wrong.

So since I felt this way, I felt like I was stuck and couldn’t go forwards.

But today, while making these changes whereby I wasn’t just bolding these quote keywords but I actually linked them to pages, something suddenly clicked in my head that I had visualized before but couldn’t fully understand previously.

For the longest time, I’ve felt like when you’re trying to discover something new, it’s like you’re walking around it virtually to get a better grasp of it. What this could be visualized on a whiteboard as is simply a large empty circle with a bunch of thoughts written out around the exterior of the circle and in the middle of the circle is a large question mark.

Do you understand what I just described?

This is what “holding space” looks like and means.

This is what not rushing cognitive dissonance feels like and instead giving it time to resolve on its own.

So this entire time I felt like I was doing something wrong from my Self-Authoring Mind’s perspective, I was actually on the cusp of doing things right from my Self-Transforming Mind’s perspective. But because I wasn’t aware of what I was doing, my Self-Authoring Mind continually blocked me from embracing my Self-Transforming Mind.

So now I realize that what I’ve been doing all along with my Life as an MMORPG website is actually right and the key thing that I was missing was that there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving these keyword pages blank because that’s the whole point, to leave and hold space for them so that something can emerge on it’s own.

In effect, the words and their meaning that I will write upon these pages in the future will emerge the more I add quotes and link to them in the present. And then by looking at these quotes collectively and reflecting back upon them, that’s how these words and meaning will emerge.

Vertical Development
Vertical Development

Cognitive dissonance seems to occur with evergreen note-taking.

Putting something in and not immediately getting something back out of it.


Not fully making sense of something immediately. 

Not fully seeing the structure you want to see with certainty.

Vertical Development

Allowing Ourselves Time to Grow Into What We Can’t Express Yet

So we should allow ourselves some time to grow into some of the ideas that we intuitively know are beautiful or important in some way but we can’t intellectually express yet.

Vicky Zhao
An ode to taking notes in Obsidian