
Start Big, Go Small

From vision to details.

Within hours of fooling around with the idea I mentioned in my previous post, I already think I’m going in the wrong direction. In effect, I’m trying to start from the bottom and build upwards. I think I need to start from the top and work my way down.

In effect, I think I need to create my backstory as a narrative identity arc and then link that back to content maps in the note system that break down into smaller notes / concepts.

For example, a part of my narrative identity might say, “I began seriously exploring vertical development in 2010.” That would link to a content map in my notes on “vertical development” that breaks down into smaller notes that describe vertical development in detail.

In other words, I intuitively think bigger picture first and then I can work backwards into small pieces. Once that’s done, then I can start working forwards, bottom up, as the bigger picture will already be seen by me and I can see where things will connect to easier then.

This is why I think I have a hard time with the evergreen notes method in the first place. It’s because it’s starting small and building to something bigger. Whereas I want to start big, seeing the bigger picture and structure, and then mapping out the connections and relationships by breaking it down into smaller, detailed pieces.

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