Vertical Development

Cognitive Dissonance: The Call to Adventure

After my previous conversation with Claude discussing cognitive dissonance, I had some additional conversations with ChatGPT to try to clarify what cognitive dissonance is. What I realized from this additional conversation is that it defines the initial “life challenge” that one faces but not the resolution of it.

So think of cognitive dissonance as more of the initial Call to Adventure within the Hero’s Journey. A call of course that is not always heeded, as it can be ignored and not resolved (thus causing undue side effects).

The resolution of cognitive dissonance is something entirely different though. Think of the resolution as a psychological transformation or post-traumatic growth which embodies creativity applied to one’s sense of “self”.


It seems like with vertical development, growth to a new stage of development and level of consciousness often begins with a “life challenge” that can’t be solved with the person’s current worldview. Is that correct?


Yes, that’s right. In vertical development, growth often starts when you face a life challenge or situation that your current worldview or level of consciousness can’t adequately address. This challenge forces you to question your existing assumptions and beliefs, which can be unsettling but also opens the door to deeper understanding and new ways of perceiving the world.

As you grapple with these challenges, you begin to explore new perspectives and solutions, which gradually leads to a shift in your level of consciousness. This process involves letting go of outdated beliefs and integrating new insights, ultimately allowing you to operate from a more advanced and nuanced perspective.


What’s a psychological name for this “life challenge”?


In psychological terms, this kind of “life challenge” is often referred to as a “catalytic event” or “transformational crisis.” It can also be related to concepts such as “existential crisis,” “disruptive event,” or “personal crisis.” These events push individuals to confront and reassess their core beliefs and values, leading to significant personal growth and a shift in consciousness.


Does it relate to cognitive dissonance? Or is that the effect that arising from the event or crisis?


Yes, the concept of a “catalytic event” or “transformational crisis” can indeed relate to cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance occurs when there is a conflict between one’s beliefs, values, or attitudes and new information or experiences that challenge them. This internal conflict creates psychological discomfort, which can motivate a person to resolve the dissonance by changing their beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors.

In the context of vertical development, a catalytic event often leads to cognitive dissonance because it presents a challenge that cannot be addressed with the current worldview. The resulting dissonance forces the individual to re-evaluate their assumptions and beliefs, leading to a process of transformation and growth. So, while cognitive dissonance is a key psychological effect that can arise from such crises, the crisis itself is what triggers the dissonance and subsequent developmental shift.


So the life challenge causes the cognitive dissonance?


Exactly. The life challenge or catalytic event creates a situation where your existing beliefs or worldview are insufficient to handle the new circumstances or information. This discrepancy triggers cognitive dissonance, as you experience psychological discomfort from the conflict between your established views and the new, challenging reality.

The cognitive dissonance then motivates you to address the inconsistency, often leading to a reevaluation of your beliefs and assumptions. This process can drive personal growth and development, as you work to resolve the dissonance by adapting your worldview to better accommodate the new insights and experiences.


It’s interesting. I’ve been reading how the Hero’s Journey is actually a symbolic representation of the inner psychology process of transformation that a person can undergo. This almost sounds like cognitive dissonance. If so, is the Hero’s Journey a symbolic representation of cognitive dissonance?


Yes, that’s a compelling perspective. The Hero’s Journey, as outlined by Joseph Campbell, can indeed be seen as a symbolic representation of the psychological process of transformation, which includes elements of cognitive dissonance. Here’s how the connection might work:

  1. Call to Adventure: The hero is confronted with a challenge or new situation that disrupts their ordinary world, analogous to encountering a life challenge or cognitive dissonance.
  2. Refusal of the Call: Initially, the hero may resist the challenge, reflecting the discomfort and denial often associated with cognitive dissonance.
  3. Crossing the Threshold: Accepting the call and entering the unknown can represent the process of confronting and working through the dissonance.
  4. Trials and Allies: The hero faces various tests and meets allies, symbolizing the struggle to reconcile conflicting beliefs and the support found in exploring new perspectives.
  5. Crisis or Ordeal: This is the point of greatest conflict, akin to the peak of cognitive dissonance where the internal struggle is most intense.
  6. Transformation: After overcoming the crisis, the hero undergoes a profound change, similar to resolving cognitive dissonance and integrating new beliefs.
  7. Return with the Elixir: The hero returns to the ordinary world with newfound wisdom, reflecting the integration of new insights into the self.

In essence, the Hero’s Journey maps out a narrative arc that mirrors the internal psychological journey of dealing with cognitive dissonance and transformation. The stages of the journey symbolically represent the process of confronting, reconciling, and ultimately transcending cognitive conflicts.


But that’s assuming the person actually resolves the cognitive dissonance because not everyone does.


You’re right—resolving cognitive dissonance is not guaranteed. While the Hero’s Journey provides a framework for transformation, not every person follows this path to resolution. Here’s how it relates:

  1. Unresolved Cognitive Dissonance: If the individual does not effectively address the dissonance, they might continue to experience internal conflict and stress. This can manifest as resistance to change, denial, or continued struggle with old beliefs that no longer fit the new realities.
  2. Stagnation or Regression: In some cases, a person may choose to revert to their old worldview to avoid the discomfort of resolving dissonance, leading to stagnation or even regression in their personal growth journey.
  3. Partial Resolution: Sometimes, individuals resolve some aspects of cognitive dissonance but may not fully integrate or adopt all the new perspectives that could lead to a more complete transformation.
  4. Recurrent Cycles: People might encounter similar challenges multiple times, each time potentially leading to new insights and transformations but also facing the risk of unresolved dissonance along the way.

The Hero’s Journey model is an idealized representation of transformation, and while it provides a useful framework, individual experiences with cognitive dissonance and personal growth can vary widely. Some may successfully navigate through their dissonance and emerge transformed, while others might struggle or find alternative ways to cope without fully resolving their internal conflicts.


“The Hero’s Journey, as outlined by Joseph Campbell, can indeed be seen as a symbolic representation of the psychological process of transformation, which includes elements of cognitive dissonance.” What do you mean that it includes elements of cognitive dissonance. Are you saying the Hero’s Journey embodies transformation more so and not cognitive dissonance equally but rather as an aspect or subset of the transformation?


Yes, that’s correct. When I say that the Hero’s Journey includes elements of cognitive dissonance, I mean that cognitive dissonance is one component of the broader psychological process of transformation depicted in the Hero’s Journey.

Here’s how it fits into the overall narrative:

  1. Symbolic Representation: The Hero’s Journey represents the stages of psychological transformation. Cognitive dissonance is one part of this process, specifically the internal conflict that arises when confronting new challenges or realities that disrupt the hero’s existing beliefs or worldview.
  2. Aspect of Transformation: Cognitive dissonance is a critical aspect of the transformation process but not the entirety of it. The Hero’s Journey encompasses the broader arc of growth, including the initial disruption (cognitive dissonance), the subsequent struggle, and the eventual resolution or integration.
  3. Stages of the Journey:
    • Call to Adventure: Initiates cognitive dissonance by challenging existing beliefs.
    • Trials and Ordeal: Represents the struggle to reconcile this dissonance.
    • Transformation: Involves resolving cognitive dissonance and integrating new insights.
    • Return with the Elixir: Reflects the embodiment of new understanding.

So, while cognitive dissonance is a key element in the Hero’s Journey, it is part of a larger process of psychological change and growth. The Hero’s Journey illustrates how this internal conflict is navigated within a broader narrative of personal development and transformation.


“The Hero’s Journey encompasses the broader arc of growth, including the initial disruption (cognitive dissonance), the subsequent struggle, and the eventual resolution or integration.” I’m confused. You’re saying it’s only a part of the Hero’s Journey, yet what you just said here sounds like it does encompass the whole Hero’s Journey (i.e. initial to integration). Which is it?


I understand the confusion. Let me clarify:

The Hero’s Journey indeed encompasses the entire arc of transformation, including the stages from initial disruption through to resolution or integration. In this context, cognitive dissonance is a key aspect of the process, but not the whole journey. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Initial Disruption: The call to adventure and the ensuing challenges create a disruption in the hero’s current worldview, which often leads to cognitive dissonance.
  2. Struggle and Transformation: The hero’s trials and ordeals symbolize the process of grappling with and attempting to resolve this dissonance. This stage involves exploring new perspectives and dealing with internal conflict.
  3. Resolution and Integration: The final stages of the journey—transformation and return with the elixir—represent the resolution of cognitive dissonance and the integration of new insights into the hero’s life.

So, while cognitive dissonance is a critical part of the Hero’s Journey (particularly in the struggle phase), the Hero’s Journey itself is a broader narrative arc that includes but is not limited to this internal conflict. The journey covers the full spectrum of transformation, from the initial challenge through to the resolution and integration of new understanding.


Oh, I think I understand what you’re saying. Cognitive Dissonance is the initial thing that causes the life challenge. Resolving the cognitive dissonance is not considered part of cognitive dissonance itself. Is that correct?


Yes, that’s correct. Cognitive dissonance is the psychological discomfort or conflict that arises from encountering a life challenge or new information that conflicts with existing beliefs. This dissonance often triggers the process of transformation.

To clarify:

  1. Cognitive Dissonance: This is the initial state of conflict or discomfort caused by a mismatch between new experiences and existing beliefs. It’s the catalyst for change.
  2. Resolution of Cognitive Dissonance: This involves the process of addressing and reconciling the dissonance. It is not part of the dissonance itself but rather the outcome of engaging with and resolving the conflict. This resolution can lead to personal growth and a shift in understanding.

In the context of the Hero’s Journey, cognitive dissonance is represented by the challenges and conflicts the hero faces. The journey involves working through these conflicts (struggles and ordeals) and ultimately reaching a resolution or new understanding. So, while cognitive dissonance initiates the process, the resolution and transformation are distinct stages that follow.


Then what’s the psychological name for what occurs within the resolution of the cognitive dissonance?


The psychological processes involved in resolving cognitive dissonance often include:

  1. Cognitive Change: This is the process of altering one’s beliefs or attitudes to reduce the dissonance. It involves integrating new information and adjusting one’s worldview to align with the new insights.
  2. Behavioral Change: Sometimes, resolving dissonance involves changing one’s behavior to be consistent with new beliefs or attitudes. This is a way of aligning actions with the revised understanding.
  3. Emotional Adjustment: This involves managing the emotional responses that arise from the dissonance. It can include developing new emotional coping strategies or finding new sources of emotional support.
  4. Reintegration: This is the broader process of integrating new perspectives and insights into one’s overall sense of self and worldview. It involves adapting to a new way of understanding oneself and the world.
  5. Personal Growth: The outcome of resolving cognitive dissonance can lead to personal growth and development. This is where individuals adopt new ways of thinking and behaving that reflect a deeper or more refined understanding of themselves and their environment.

Each of these processes contributes to the resolution of cognitive dissonance and facilitates the broader transformation depicted in the Hero’s Journey.


It’s funny. It just sounds like the resolution of cognitive dissonance is creativity applied to one’s sense of “self”.


That’s an insightful observation. The resolution of cognitive dissonance can indeed involve a form of creativity applied to one’s sense of self. Here’s how it aligns with creativity:

  1. Reconstructing Beliefs: Just as creativity involves generating new ideas and solutions, resolving cognitive dissonance often requires reconstructing beliefs or attitudes to harmonize with new experiences. This process can be seen as creatively reimagining one’s worldview.
  2. Behavioral Adaptation: Creativity isn’t just about ideas but also about implementing new approaches. Similarly, resolving dissonance may involve creatively adapting behavior to align with a new understanding.
  3. Emotional Regulation: Managing the emotional impact of dissonance can be akin to using creative strategies to cope with and transform emotional experiences, finding new ways to handle internal conflict.
  4. Integrative Thinking: The process of integrating new insights into one’s identity can be viewed as a creative act of synthesis, where disparate pieces of information and experiences are woven into a coherent and enriched sense of self.

In essence, resolving cognitive dissonance often involves a creative reworking of one’s beliefs, behaviors, and emotions, reflecting how creative thinking can play a significant role in personal transformation and self-development.


Or another name for this resolution would be a “psychological transformation” or “post traumatic growth”?


Yes, both “psychological transformation” and “post-traumatic growth” are appropriate terms to describe the resolution process following cognitive dissonance:

  1. Psychological Transformation: This term broadly captures the deep and fundamental changes in a person’s beliefs, attitudes, and sense of self that occur as a result of resolving cognitive dissonance. It reflects the process of integrating new insights and adapting one’s worldview.
  2. Post-Traumatic Growth: This term specifically refers to the positive psychological change experienced as a result of the struggle with highly challenging or traumatic events. It encompasses the idea that, through the process of dealing with trauma or significant life challenges, individuals can achieve personal growth and develop a new sense of meaning or purpose.

Both terms highlight the idea that the resolution of cognitive dissonance can lead to significant and positive changes in one’s psychological state and personal development.


But you could say that creativity, applied to one’s sense of “self”, is a way one undergoes this psychological transformation or post-traumatic growth.


Absolutely, creativity can indeed be a crucial mechanism for undergoing psychological transformation or post-traumatic growth. Here’s how creativity fits into this process:

  1. Reconstructing Identity: Creativity allows individuals to reimagine and reconstruct their sense of self in response to new insights or challenges. This process involves integrating new experiences into a coherent identity, which is a key aspect of psychological transformation.
  2. Generating Solutions: Creativity helps in developing novel ways to address and resolve internal conflicts. When faced with cognitive dissonance or trauma, creative thinking can lead to innovative solutions and new perspectives that facilitate growth.
  3. Emotional Expression: Creative outlets such as writing, art, or music can serve as ways to express and process complex emotions, aiding in emotional adjustment and contributing to personal growth.
  4. Constructing Meaning: Creativity plays a role in finding or constructing meaning from challenging experiences. By creatively interpreting and integrating these experiences, individuals can achieve a deeper understanding and sense of purpose.

In essence, applying creativity to one’s sense of self can be a powerful tool in navigating and facilitating the processes of psychological transformation and post-traumatic growth.

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