
Site Style & Readability

I’ve been playing around with my site design a bit, exploring different Google Font combinations and I think I’ve found one that I really like in terms of overall front-end style and readability but also with regards to backend writing.

I’m decided upon Lora for the body and Lato for the headings.

To apply this to my WordPress Twenty Twenty theme, I’ve added the amazing Twentig plug-in and then when customizing my site, I’ve chosen Twentig Options > Fonts then under Body I’ve set it to “Lora / Medium / Medium” (i.e. font / size / line height) and under Headings I’ve set it to “Lato / Black 900 / Tight / Larger.” I also had to set the Site Title Font Weight to “Black 900” under Site Title as well.

All said and done, I’m absolutely loving the look and feel of my single page layouts in WordPress now.

Next thing to tackle though is how my listing of posts are shown. Currently under Twentig Options > Blog, I’ve set the Blog Layout to “Stack” (which causes the post title and meta details to be tucked in tighter compared to the single page layout format).

While I may set the Blog Layout back to “Default,” I still want some way of visually differentiating long form posts from short form (micro) posts somehow, potentially even rearranging long form posts first and short form posts afterwards on listing pages (using either CSS or JQuery if need be).

Finally, while I’d also love to dive into full site editing with the Twenty Twenty Twotheme, the user interface design and usability of it is just no where near it needs to be. It’s highly convoluted and confusing, especially compared to Squarespace’s interface. In fact, I actually find the old Version 5 of Squarespace to be much more powerful and easier to use, since you activated different focused modes (i.e. Content, Structure, Style, Preview) to work on your site.

So in Style mode in Squarespace Version 5, you could only stylize elements but the interface was way more powerful, yet simpler to use than the style interface in WordPress. That’s the primary problem with the WordPress full site editing interface today, figuring out the context of what you’re working on is extremely confusing and frustrating. However, once they do figure this out, WordPress will finally surpass Squarespace in both power and usability which is amazing considering where WordPress was a decade ago.


Gaming Addiction Addresses Deep Psychological Needs

In addition, the kind of play that people are addicted to addresses a deep psychological need

Many of those who are addicted to computer gaming are those who don’t feel comfortable meeting life’s varied and ambiguous challenges. In life, it’s often not clear if you are “winning” or “losing”. Gaming offers a very controlled world in which victory and defeat can be clear and unambiguous. Part of the reason for widespread game addiction in Japan and Korea may be that those are societies in which there are intense pressures for young people to be high achievers along a very specific and rigid career path, offering little chance for the young to define their own quest.

Stuart Brown, Play
Going Beyond Resumes

Hiring Based on Skills & the Capacity to Learn

The death of the resume | Salesforce
Experts say resumes, and even experience, are overrated as indicators of how well a candidate will perform. Time to throw out the playbook.

“Experience has almost no predictive value in the vast majority of work roles,”said Adam Grant, noted Wharton professor, author, and host of the conference. 

“Instead of showing me your resume, show me the work you’ve done, things you’ve built. It’s the portfolio model,” said Chike Aguh, chief innovation officer at the U.S. Department of Labor. “If you’re not hiring based on skills and the capacity to learn, you are missing out on talent.” 

I truly believe the future will be more about what you’re questioning and wanting to know than what answers you already know. Questions will be like quests that attract and align us towards larger societal goals.

Going Beyond Resumes

Putting Into Action What You Believe

Why Traditional Resumes Are Dead: The Rise Of Resume 2.0 | Social Hire
These days employers who are considering you for a role want to know that a web search for your name will give them a snapshot of: what you believe in, and what you’ve been up to. Here’s how to take control of that…

These days employers who are considering you for a role want to know that a web search for your name will give them a snapshot of:

– what you believe in, and 

– what you’ve been up to

And when I mention your beliefs, I’m not only talking about your opinions. Opinions without results mean nothing. 

I’m interested in actions you’ve taken to produce results which are in line with your opinions. For example, do you believe that climate change is real? Great – and do you have a blog which educates people why? And how big is your following?

What’s poignant about these points above is that employees want these same very things even more so. They want to work for companies that actually take action on what they say they care about and believe, rather than it just being a facade to attract attention.

Going Beyond Resumes

A Dialogue of Meaningful Human Relationships

Man vs. machine: Did recruitment technology lose its humanity? | HR Dive
Human Resources and Workforce Management News

Creating strong connections with potential, current and past talent has become even more important in a job seeker’s market, particularly as platforms like The Muse have enabled the rise of the passive candidate.

“Employers have to organize around a candidate rather than a job posting,”Srinivasan said, meaning relationship and context is “everything.” A hiring manager directly contacting a passive candidate, for example, may encourage the potential employee to think differently about the opportunity.

“And because the market for talent remains super competitive, any recruitment is really a two way dialogue,” she added.

Going Beyond Resumes

Rediscovering the Aspirational Self

‘The resume is dead,’ experts say — but what will replace it? | HR Dive
Human Resources and Workforce Management News

As workplaces focus on employee engagement — and increasingly, becoming a workplace that welcomes the humanity of its workers —employers want to see a snapshot of an actual human person. 

“Resumes are a point in time and not reflective of the human,” Penny Queller, SVP and GM of Monster’s staffing business unit, told HR Dive. “There’s nothing on a resume that demonstrates the individual’s aspirational self. It’s a primitive artifact in some regards.”

Miklusak agrees, saying resumes are “a very static presentation of who you are.”

The objective on a resume could be a potential place for this but alas, many conventional recruiters actually recommend to remove it as it’s seen as “outdated”.

Going Beyond Resumes

The Value of Personality

Resumes are Dead. What’s next?
The average time a recruiter spends reading a resume is 6 seconds. If you had 6 seconds to catch a potential employer’s attention, would you hand them a timeline? Or is there a better way to catch their attention? We need to get out from behind resumes by expanding our networks, showcasing portfolio

Previous generations valued years of experience and traditional resumes offer this chronological snapshot. But times have changed. Now candidates are judged on their ability to perform and collaborate, something resumes don’t highlight.

As a hiring manager, stretch to focus on engaging talent that add value and culture beyond titles and time stamps. There’s a need for a platform where skills, personality, and engagement are front and center. A vibrant platform where rich profiles and vibrant personalities thrive.

Even better, align your personality and skills by showing how what you’ve learnt over the years emerged from your personality interests.

For example, I never learned web design to become a web designer. I learned web design because I wanted a means of expressing my video game knowledge online and sharing it with others collaboratively as well. Web design allowed me to do that.

My professional web design work just arose as a byproduct out of that.


Making WordPress Layouts Like Twitter

At the same time, it would be nice for WordPress to have a similar layout structure as Twitter. In effect, I like the primary feeling of my list view to be one of a collection of notes with the occasional longer form interjected within it.

Or perhaps the default list view just shows long form articles, with the option to switch to a notes list view. This lets the reader just see the essence of your work upfront but then also have the option to see how that work evolved bit by bit.


Making WordPress Writing Like Twitter

When I’m writing on WordPress, it feels like there’s this expectation to expand things to make it long form. On Twitter, since it’s short form, there’s no expectation. You just write.

It would be nice to replicate that feeling of Twitter into WordPress somehow.


My Metaphoric Use of Gaming Language

BTW one of the main things that will quickly become evident upon my website here, as it develops, is my metaphoric use of language.

For someone who comes from a background in building online communities around video games, I will be using lot of MMORPG language to express my current work around vertical development in a metaphoric way.

For example, if I’m talking about “levelling up” in life, what I’m referring to is a person going through a substantial transitory period of growth and development, thus evolving and transforming their level of consciousness in the process.

So a lot of what I’m expressing here might sound like I’m literally trying to gamify life but I’m not (as I dislike that concept). Rather I’m using gaming terminology to help explain how life already functions like a simulated game (due to how we perceive reality) with the psychology of vertical development as a way of understanding how we try to “level up” within this “game.”