Hope everyone had a great New Years and have thought about their resolutions for this year. For myself, I want this year to be my year of creativity. With that in mind, I’m launching my first creative project of the year called the Daily Fugue.
What this creative project allows me to do is the following.
- Be a little bit creative daily (so I can do it on the side).
- Lets me express myself without having to say a word.
- Makes people aware of things and other people they may not have known.
- Allows me to relay my values and culture (what’s important and meaningful to me).
- Shows the connectivity in the world.
In a nutshell, I’m interpreting the hidden meaning in what’s being said (for good or bad). Thus some politician may say something he or she thinks is great but I’ll take those words and show the real meaning of what’s being said. On the flip side, I’ll take something simple someone has said and try to show the profoundness in their simple statement.
As for the site itself, it’s still in its infancy, so it will grow over time. For now, I think I have the layout I want but I’ll probably adjust the visual design slightly (i.e. add a background image) without going overboard, since I want the words to be the primary emphasis.
BTW this is my first site that I may consider adding advertisements to it in the future (assuming enough interest is generated with it). If I do add them though, I’ll want them to be minimal and to the side and also be incorporated into the design somehow (as again I want the words to be the primary emphasis on the site).