
Step #1 – Delete Flickr Account



4 replies on “Step #1 – Delete Flickr Account”

Hi, why did you delete flickr?

(I discovered your blog today and I found it great!)

SOrry for my poor English I’m Italian,

Without going into too much detail, Flickr just isn’t the service I started out with. They’ve made changes and those changes aren’t in line with the direction I’m going in. So it’s been a fun relationship while it’s lasted but they’re taking a different road that I don’t wish to go down. No big deal though. To each his own as they say. 🙂

you’re right…
I’m so interested in some of your post where you think around a "way of life" – I mean (in my poor English) where you try to imagine some new business model to "live" with our work on the web…

I’m tuned to you


Glad you’re enjoying those types of posts. I initially thought about making them private, so only I could see them (since they are mainly just me making notes and observations about things I’m noticing in my life). Yet it seems that others are benefiting from them as well, so I’m glad I am sharing them.

Right now I see our current business model (the way we work) as being "out of balance" with humanity. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking this though as more and more you hear people talking about things like business "transparency" which deals with values like trust, honesty and openness.